Customer Testimonials

"Sayville Electric has done my electrical work for years. They’re the only one I rely on."


 Sag Harbor

"Our company went through several electricians before we found Sayville Electric. Now, we can finally stop looking for a company that always responds quickly, sends experienced professionals and can handle any problem, including replacing worn-out cables."



"We are delighted to have worked with Sayville Electric. They fitted all of the installations in our new hotel on time, on budget and in line with the latest health and safety regulation."


East Hampton

"I was very comfortable with Michael and his crew. Their pricing was the middle of my estimates. The friendliness of his crew and their attention to detail and cleanliness was most appreciated. The completion of the job was time sensitive and they honored my request. I would and have recommened them to friends."

In order to better service our East End clientele, as of January 1, 2013 we have opened a second location in

Sag Harbor.



Sag Harbor: 






